Wednesday, March 9, 2022

this blog and thoughts on a day when the skies are grey

 This blog started and persisted for a long time as a creative outlet. A need to get something out there that people could potentially look at. But mostly just to make things. And now, having not posted in a while, my thoughts go to thinking about my family that reads this and just wanting them to know that I'm thinking about them and love them. I don't know. I think it just means a lot as a point of connection. 

Also I started thinking about the song, You Are My Sunshine, today and I've definitely written about it before but it's just so sad and so beautiful. Whew. Just processing some sad feelings today. But not like gloomy sad, like when your heart is too full of love and you just have to cry. 

Yeah, anyway, I'm doing really well.

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