Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Coaching Today

 The training team kids are a good group. We were missing a couple key players today and it changed the energy but it was a good practice. The more I coach the more I think that competitive games centered around climbing are the best ways for kids to improve their climbing skills. Lessons and drills are important but it's hard to really get the kids engaged. You can let them climb on their own but kids often run into the problem of not being able to engage well in productive struggle. Everything they can do, they do it easily. And everything that's too hard is seemingly impossible. I think with games they can be engaged and challenge themselves.

We played a game called Eliminate that the kids love and you just take an easy climb and every time someone does the climb, they remove a hold. It can no longer be touched or used. You rotate through an order and pretty soon there's a only a few holds left. It's nice because it creates a challenging climb that still uses good holds and is within reach of the kids. Plus the kids really like pushing each other and cheering for one another. I also love games that the kids can organize among themselves and still uses the main climbing wall.


The Onsight Game


Face Off


The Points Game

Add On

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