Tuesday, January 11, 2022


I did an easy hour of running today. I'm bummed that the trails are still a mess from the snow but I found a gravel road to run on near my house. I felt tired but my legs felt very strong and my form felt really good. 

I've done two medium hard days of climbing before today and I thought I might have enough energy to send the 3rd v5 in the steep room and I did! I was really happy about it. Yesterday the last move seemed super scary and impossible and today I got it first try. Then I worked a little on another climb and finally got all the moves but was too tired to put the whole thing together. Next time it will go for sure. Definitely need to rest tomorrow and do no climbing. 

Afterwards I climbed a little on the moon board with phyl. It was fun! I've been intimidated by the moon board for a long time but I was able to do some little moves and I can see how it can make my fingers and climbing a lot stronger! I'm excited to use it more. 

Really proud that I could put together 3 days of good climbing. I'm getting stronger!

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