Saturday, January 8, 2022


Woke up early to judge a mock competition to get our climbers ready for regionals in a week. Climbed for a few hours after and get really close to sending a climb I've been working on for a while. I'm excited to get it soon.

Then I rested for a bit and went out for a run as the sun was going down. My friend Peyton recommended I do some hard 3 minute hills to work on my speed endurance so I found a steep hill by UVA that took just under 3 minutes to run up. I did that 6 times and felt pretty great. It's nice to be able to do back to back workouts. I think the past two days will really be good for my fitness. Tomorrow I'll probably just do a shorter easy day and then get ready for a harder effort on Tuesday. And then if the weather is nice Thursday I'll repeat my mile, 5.2k, 400 test. I anticipate it will go much better than before. 

These hard runs knock me out afterwards. It's really hard to do anything in the evening other than rest. I feel fortunate that I am able to rest.

I have some big ideas for a book project I'd like to do for camp. 

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