Saturday, January 15, 2022

In Baltimore

Drove up with Taylor today to Baltimore for climbing regionals.

I did my 3rd 1600-5.2k-400 time trial.

this time I ran 4:58, 18:24, 63.9

last time I ran 4:58, 18:26, 65.

Minor improvement in the 5k and 400. I'll say all the times today were worth more because it was very windy. I'm a little confused why I can't run a mile in under 4:50. Based on my workouts it shouldn't be that hard. The only thing I can think is that it's just a little too cold, a little too windy, and I'll need someone to help pace.

Oh well. It's still a really good session. I signed up for the colonial half marathon this evening. It's February 19th. My expectations aren't too high right now. I'll keep putting in good workouts and see what happens. 

Next Week:

-6x800 w/ 3 min rest. 2:24s

-on C10m do 3x10 min with 3 minutes rest

- fast hills

-20 min of X's

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