Monday, January 17, 2022

snow :/

Did some running for the first time since Friday. Roads and my driveway were a little snowy and icy so I ran to the gym and climbed and coached and ran home. It's frustrating to not feel up for workouts and hard running because of the snow and cold. I suppose if I didn't have climbing I would feel more pressure to run. Rest is good though. 

I think I'll run to the gym again tomorrow. I have to be out of the house in the early afternoon because it's being shown to potential buyers. That's annoying. I need to buy some groceries as well. Maybe I'll do that in the evening. 

Today I drew some and worked more on the game. Coaching was good. We only had two kids show up. I sent a v5 I'd been working on and had did some medium-hard climbs that haven't been graded yet. 

I'm really excited for this game that I'm making. It feels like the convergence of a lot of things I've been wanting to do for years. 

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