Sunday, January 23, 2022


Good day!

slept a lot. did some drawing. climbed for a long time. bought groceries. Had dinner and watched euphoria at a friend's place :)

my legs are still really sore from the run yesterday. I've been trying to be diligent about hydrating and eating enough protein to recover. 

Tomorrow I'll do a run with some 45 second strides and then Wednesday I'll do the 10 miler course with 6 minutes hard and 3 minutes jog. And then I'll figure out some other workouts later. I'd like to do another quality long run but I'm also going to do a hike with camp on Saturday so I might have to adapt. Maybe long on Friday and then lifting and hills on Saturday. 

1 comment:

Errn said...

is euphoria any good? I've never watched it.