Friday, October 30, 2020

Really Good Run

 I felt amazing on my run yesterday. I felt like I was glowing. I felt the polar opposite of injured. I was very aware of everything my body was doing but instead of being aware because of pain, it felt like I was more in control than normal. If I wanted to speed up or change my stride, I knew I could do it. That was a good feeling. I think in sports psychology they train you to notice when those moments happen and what they feel like and use them as a reference. And then I think you also pair them with words or phrases or something tangible so you can get back to that state. I know for me it usually happens the day after a hard but successful workout and when I'm hydrating and sleeping enough.

Anyway, as all of this was happening I also started to think about Paw Paw. I don't really know how to put into words what I felt but it was a good feeling. I don't know. It was just a really special moment.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Yesterday I was running on the sidewalk and crossed a street that a little old lady in a wheelchair and a big oversized mask was coming from. I went past and she yelled,  "THIEF!!!"

And she and the young woman she was with started laughing.  She got me good. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

You Gotta Hand it To Me

 You gotta hand it to me, I made coffee this morning.

You gotta hand it to me, I was craving ice cream last night and I drove to Kroger and bought a pint of Cherry Garcia.

You gotta hand it to him.

You gotta hand it to me, I sweat the bed last night.

You gotta hand it to me, I cut my nails this morning. You gotta hand it to him, he shaved. 

You gotta hand it to me, I've been doing a good job of keeping up with my flossing.

You gotta hand it to me, I have sweaty hands.

You gotta sweat it to me, hands hands hands.

Sweat got hands. You to me it. Swands. You. Me. Got it.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday of This Week

 there are 66 days left in 2020. And I need to write 56 more posts to get to 200. Should be doable!

This week I want to make 3 comics for the summer camp book. I want to run a good workout on Wednesday. I want to be in a mindset where I feel energized to do cool stuff and share those things with others. 

I bought this canned stir fry from Kroger last week and it was SUPER salty and then I got really dehydrated and was in bed/slept for 11 hours and did not feel like I was in the best head space this morning. The things that got me out of bed were the leafblower outside my window and my roommate reading his paper out loud downstairs. But here I am now!

I want to recognize how I feel and make a plan to start feeling better. I started a project yesterday that was pretty fun. I think I'll go work on that and then go climbing and then get groceries. And drink lots of water.

I don't hate Google's updated icons. I kind of like the colors. 

My spiritual thought of the day is that we are always remeeting each other as different people. We meet, we interact, we go off, we change, we meet again. We have to embrace change.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Daily Blarble

 I have a group of friends from college that I play Dungeons and Dragons with and last night I posed the question to our group chat:

    "If, on some level, my character exists and was created by me, a higher dimensional intelligence, then what if I am also the character being used in a turn-based role playing game?"

Well, you could say that obviously isn't true because our existence is way more detailed and elaborate than any D&D game. Maybe. We know our own brains are filling in information that isn't really there all the time. 

I really only like theories about why we exist if they can inform how we might best exist. What we should do with life is way more interesting than why we have it. In the case of a role playing game, I don't know.

We did have a good discussion about the differences between living your life as a player character or an NPC (non-player character). Are you doing things that main characters in a story would do or are you a background character? That gets back to a question I asked the kids when I was student teaching in a 9th grade English classroom, "would you rather live a long, safe, boring life or a short but passionate one?"

At the time I said the long but boring one. I think I still stand by that. Although maybe I'm less sure of that than I was at the time. 

My favorite advice is still from Waking Life and it's to live as if you're a dream character in another person's dream.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

comic I made with Julie

I took way too long to make this but I'm really happy with it now.

great workout this morning

 I did 10x 800 at 5 min mile pace. It's been a long time since I've done that much work that fast and it felt really good. I took a lot of rest so that contributed to the good feelings. Usually when I do a workout like that there comes a moment where I have to manage the pain and will myself to keep going. This morning I felt really in control the whole way and really confident. 

The past two workouts I've been doing easier versions of the workouts that the guys I train with are doing. They're in really good shape already and have been doing hard workouts for about two months now so I felt like I wasn't ready to attempt things at that level just yet. I don't think I would've been able to the 10x 1,000 that my friend did but I feel like the next workout is the time to go for it and see if I can hang on for the whole thing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

learning tired

I remember very early on when I started running I didn't really understand how to feel how tired my body was. I remember doing a workout by myself and wanting to run 800 meters in under 3 minutes. And I kept waiting for my breathing to go back to normal and once that happened I didn't really understand why I couldn't run faster than I'd ever run before. My body didn't feel tired and I was super motivated. Why was it not happening.

Pretty quickly I learned that you can only perform to your absolute best a relatively small number of times. I see it with the kids at my afterschool program too. They run a 400m loop around the playground as hard as they can and then after they've rested a bit they want to try to beat their time. I tell them, "halfway through you're gonna feel way more tired than you did the first time."

Sometimes they beat their time though. They still don't know how hard they can push themselves.

Anyway, I'm having to learn the same lesson in climbing. Today I felt fine and should've been able to climb really well and do some problems I haven't finished. And then I tried one that I know I can do without much difficulty and I was not able to stick the moves. It didn't matter how hard I tried, my hands were tired in a way that wasn't apparent until they were seemingly maxed out.

Unlike running, I really only enjoy climbing when I'm feeling my best or close to my best. It's not really fun to do a bunch of problems that I already know I can do. Although, that's like being dissatisfied with running a bunch of 7 minute miles when you know on your best day you can run sub 5 minute miles. They're still worth doing to improve. They're necessary. For now though climbing is mostly for fun and for cross training. So I'm not too worried about it. Just interesting to relearn the lesson of being tired.


 I'm sitting here and I guess I should start writing. I threw up a little bit in my mouth this morning while lying in bed. I can't remember the last time that happened. So that's interesting.

Today I want to get some illustrations done for the book and also send out more mail to people. 

One thing I'd like to talk to people about is trying to find things we believe without question and trying to get to a place where that belief or assumption makes zero sense. Like, when you learn about practices and beliefs from a different time or place and it hits you like "why would you ever think that?" It seems really hard to find within yourself.

Sometimes I walk down the street in my pajamas and I go sit on a retaining wall above a sidewalk and a busy street and I just sit there and eat fruit or hang out and watch people. It's really not a place for sitting or doing anything and you can tell, especially people in cars, are confused by it. It's fun though. The sunlight is good. And then that got me thinking about people who stand in the medians at busy traffic lights and interstate ramps. I think that's one of those things that we accept that is probably insane. People who are experiencing homelessness. I think it's ridiculous that we let that happen to people.

And the story that we make up about it. Well, they're dangerous. Drugs. It's drugs. They can't be helped. They refused to play the game. Some people are just like that. It happens everywhere. 

It seems like, if you allow people to be homeless, if you allow for this group of people who seemingly have nothing and can only get ahead by exceptional circumstances, then you have this backstop that will drive people to work very hard for very little out of fear. You don't want to end up like them. That's also a big part of white supremacy. A lot of poor whites in the South didn't want slavery to end even though it didn't benefit them in any way because it created a status that they were always above, by definition. 

I'm sure in a lot of ways I have no idea what I'm talking about right now but I think it's interesting to take a concept like homelessness and say, that makes zero sense, why are you okay with that? Maybe it changes your approach if you come from a place of, "the society that allows this to happen is sick and this shouldn't be a thing" rather than, "this is a problem that is innate and part of the natural universe across space and time that we will confront the best we can." Maybe?

Monday, October 19, 2020

Banana and Blueberries

 Banana and Blueberry Oatmeal this morning. 

Thinking about how Ram Dass calls a society a conspiracy. Everyone is saying and thinking the same things and that makes those things seem real. The difference between a lie or illusion and reality is whether or not everyone agrees and goes along with it. And any society is invested in maintaining those beliefs because it keeps people from freaking out and it's also set up in a way to keep the people who have power in power.  He calls it "relative reality". And it's really not about being right. It's about being able to hold two different perspectives (both of which are illusions) at once to see things for what they are and not be entirely inside of them. He says that he can use illusions to dispel other illusions as long as he knows at the end he's going to throw away all of them.

The really interesting part though I think is that when people ask him about their problems and hang-ups he refers to them as "mind states" that people are buying into and he dismisses them as uninteresting. 

So something like FOMO, fear of missing out. Or feeling like everyone is off living a much better life than you are right now. That's only real to the extent that you buy into that. That the best use of your time is spent doing things that seem interesting in a specific way to other people. You can spend your time worrying about it. But it doesn't seem very interesting.

The other thing he talks about is that feelings are still valid. You can't simply dismiss them with complete and perfect apathy. He says it's okay to be afraid or anxious or jealous or angry or whatever as long as you aren't busy being anxious or jealous or angry. Instead of saying, I am angry, you say, there is anger. As a thing that is watching the anger. 

There are some things I disagree with. Ram Dass talks about people coming up to him and saying, "I'm depressed" and he says, "are you really?" And they say, "yes. I'm depressed." And he says, "Well, is the person telling me they're depressed depressed?" And they say, "no." And he acts like it's this big a-Ha! moment that proves some part of them isn't depressed. And I get that that is all about looking at things at different levels and not being trapped in any one state of mind or feeling but also it came across as a bit dismissive. I don't know. How we view depression has changed a lot since the 90s when he was saying that. 

The takeaway for me is to accept how you feel and what you think, be honest about it, but then also ask, is it useful? Is it interesting? Is it doing anything for you? And I think there's a lot of power in that.  

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Healthy Way to Start the Day

 If I write every day from now until 2021 I think I can have over 200 posts for the year. Which I've done every year since 2013. 

Today I'm thinking about interview questions that I would like to ask people. The other day I listened to a little bit of Duncan Trussel because my sister and I watched the Midnight Gospel last winter and then that led to listening to Ram Dass. All of that kinda stuff really interests me. I also had a conversation with a friend and they talked about a podcast that explained what progressive Christianity is and how you can deconstruct your faith. That idea is really interesting to me but when I listened to the people talk about it, it didn't resonate with me personally as much as Ram Dass and Duncan Trussel and Alan Watts. 

Sometimes I wonder why terms like Jesus and God don't stick with me as much as they seem to really ring true for others. It seems self-evident and innate in a lot of people and for me I don't really feel like there's any kind of entry point into feeling god's presence or anything like that. But when I listen to someone like Ram Dass, that makes sense to me. Both approaches are headed in the same direction but starting at different points. Maybe. The whole goal seems to be talking about and connecting with something beyond your sensory experience and reason. And both end up getting to this point of absolute love and compassion and understanding.

Anyway, I'm thinking about all that and I'm thinking about how I really like having those kinds of conversations and learning what other people think about when you make those kinds of conversations possible. And I make a lot of art and often it's weird and so I'm hoping that by giving art to people it creates an occasion to have a conversation about their beliefs and also just whatever else that comes up. I think it's a fun space to be in. And then I think it would be fun to collect quotes and things and share those and kinda build upon it. We'll see! 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

brainstorm session: thunder and lightning

 For the book I'm illustrating I need to make a comic about managing thunder and lightning during the summer. 

The gist of it is, you need to go inside because lightning is dangerous.

Maybe I could do a character interviewing a bolt of lightning. Or interviewing a thunder cloud. And they ask a question and then lightning strikes and the thunder booms and then they run inside. 

That'd be funny. Sure let's do that. Boom! Book making is easy.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Having Myself a Day

I was driving back from my run and feeling pretty good. Relationship things have not been breaking my way recently and I was getting kind of down about it. But after running I felt like I was able to be apart from those feelings and just look at them for what they are. So that felt good.

And then I pulled up to the next stoplight and look over and the girl in the driver's seat is laughing uncontrollably. I think she was in a car full of people. Anyway she might have just been laughing already but then we made eye contact and she started laughing even harder. 

So, I don't know. Was she laughing at me? I don't know. I guess I was in my running clothes and maybe looked silly. I didn't feel like anything I was doing warranted uproarious uncontrollable laughter.

Anyway, two lights later, I'm at a busy red light and I see the car coming up is turning so I think, okay, I can cut in here while the car is turning. As I'm making the turn I hear a motorcycle engine revving really loudly. I must not have seen them between the car that I was getting behind and the car that was turning. They gave me a death look as they went around me and then sped off and gave me the finger for good measure.

Well, I felt bad. And now I feel bad. Just kinda going through it right now. At least no one was hurt. 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Sunday, October 4, 2020

I'm Getting Pretty Fit

I did 3 weeks of low mileage running with lots of drills, stretching, strides, and speed work. Then last week I focused more on higher mileage, averaging over an hour a day with some strides and pick-ups mixed in. 

Now I have some speed and I can also feel that my endurance has improved so it's time to put those together in some longer workouts at a moderate pace. I'll do a tempo, about 5 to 7 miles, each week for 3 weeks. The first one will hopefully be somewhere under 30 minutes and then it would be nice to progress that to somewhere around 28 minutes. Depending on the course. I'll also do some lighter workouts where I'll 6 to 8 times of 1 minute on, 2 minutes off. Or something like that. Maybe 30 on / 90 off. or 60s on / 60 off. We'll see.

I'm recovering really well between runs and seeing improvement every week so that is all great. Lots more work to be done!

Thursday, October 1, 2020