Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Right Now I Can Decide How I Feel

I can be in charge of how I feel in this moment. Right now I want to be creative and I want to make something.

party lair

what is that? place where secret horses meet for tostitos dippers and chonk salse

mad dash

what is that? wouldn't you like to know-

tiny tennis

the court is the size of a postage stamp and you and your opponent are simply too big. what would the effect be if we forced ourselves to be in situations where we are made to feel too big? Like, everyone talks about how the sky and ocean and space can make us feel very small. And that's humbling and good. But what about the perspective that you are massive. So impossibly huge that your actions only cause seismic change and likely absolute destruction. I don't know. tiny tennis.


murtilism brings up ZERO search results and so I'm going to define it now and it's the belief that you need to overanalyze and fret about the things you put into the world even though, by your own design, they are seen by next to no one.


1 comment:

crabbo said...

I seent it