Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I did some SPEED work today

My new running goals are to build up to more barefoot running and try to run under 2 minutes for 800 meters. I think I've been close before but I've always focused on longer races and recently I've started running with someone who is definitely under 2 minute shape. So all I have to do is get fit enough to do it and then he can drag me to it.

This week looks kind of weird because I started it with a long run to make up for not doing one the previous week and then the rest of the week is low mileage.

Sunday- 125 minutes. 17 miles. I did this the day after a hard track workout and I had good energy but then mechanically things started to fall apart in the last mile. But it was still good.

Monday- 45 minutes. Very easy. very sore. Understandable after a hard workout and then a 2 hour run. I did this run completely barefoot as that's something I want to build up more of.

Tuesday- 60 minutes. Went to a grass soccer field and sprinted the length of the field 6 times as fast as I could. It's very rare that I ever do speedwork without a long run before or at the end of a hard workout. It burns a lot more when your muscles aren't fatigued first! I'm really happy with this workout though. My hamstrings were really tight and I felt like I got a good stimulus! Speedwork gives you great bang for your buck, especially when I've focused so heavily on mileage for years and neglected speed work.

Wednesday- 60 minutes. An easy aerobic run. Maybe an uptempo mile to close things out if I feel good. Or some relaxed 200s on the track.

Thursday- I'd like to do a 4 mile loop with alternations of 60s uptempo running and 30s relaxed running. Never straining except maybe in the last mile. Then jog to a hill and do some fast short hill sprints. That would be a really good session.

Friday- see how I feel. Probably recovery.

Saturday- some X's. about 12-15 minutes. start gradual and build up.

then maybe Sunday or Monday of the next week do an 800 time trial. to see where I am. take a long rest. like 15 minutes. and then do a sub-5 mile. Probably Monday. That would be good.

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