Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Brainstorm Some Ideas for Videos

I made a really silly youtube video today. It was fun. I liked doing one that was short and funny and encouraging. I think I would like to do some more videos like that but also maybe add a bit more instruction and structure.

But I know, for me, and maybe this isn't for everyone, but I take a lot of confidence and inspiration from people who are weird for the sake of being weird. I don't feel like I've benefited a lot from direct instruction or people telling me how to do things. What's always motivated me and informed my creative decisions is watching people do whatever they want. Or whatever they think is interesting and funny. And it has given me permission to do that or do they weird thing that I think is funny and interesting. So I made a video in that spirit today.

I guess if you're the kind of person who likes instruction and guidance it would seem really pointless, at best mildly entertaining, at worst, irresponsible. But I really do think silliness is important. I used to go to open mic nights at the little grill and the part I liked the most was seeing all these people go up on stage and be so strange and creative. I thought that was so cool and it made me want to get on stage.

I've always felt strongly that the way to teach or lead is to start with what motivates and inspires. Sparking some interest and following the energy. Direction and instruction is kind of secondary to that most of the time. I know not everyone is like that so I'm trying to strike somewhat of a balance.

Anyway tomorrow I think I'll work on the fort in the videos that I'm building and then Thursday is another art review.

At the beginning of the week- yesterday- I was lacking some motivation to make a video Monday through Thursday again but now I'm pretty excited about it again.

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