Sunday, April 5, 2020

Run a Mile PR by June

I felt like I spent a lot of time on my phone yesterday. Compulsively checking and just generally feeling in a rut. I decided to sit and do nothing with my eyes closed for about 15 to 20 minutes. That was good.

A good goal for this time would be to break my 1600m PR of 4:29 from 2015. I think it's doable and really focusing on achieving that time would give me something to look forward to and focus on during the day. I'm also enjoying drawing and making videos for work. But I could take my running more seriously.

Sunday- sub 5 mile, controlled. 6x300 @ 48-50 pace. 3 minutes rest. 4x200. 33-34. walk 200m

Monday- easy volume

Tuesday- hills and easy volume

Wednesday- volume and strides

Thursday- 6x800 w/ 2 min rest. trying to go faster than last time

Friday- easy shake out

Saturday- some workout w/ Peyton

let's goooooooo!w

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