Monday, April 20, 2020

just some thoughts

I'm starting to feel normal again after my really long run on Saturday.

I emailed a school in harrisonburg to find out about doing an outdoor education program for young students. That's giving me some motivation right now.

I've had two people email me about this weird Lemon painting I posted on craigslist and I've already given away the original but now I'm remaking them. That's exciting. I'm using some cardboard circles that came with frozen pizzas. They have cool sharpie drawings on the back.

I'm going to run soon and I'm curious how my quads will feel. They're still really sore but it probably doesn't warrant taking another day off. I'm not sure what I'll do for workouts.

I ended up deviating from my written plan for Saturday and did a 5-6 hour run/hike with Jeff. It's been a strange week. On Monday or Tuesday I did that really hard short sprint workout that made my hamstrings and glutes sore for three days. And then as soon as that healed I did an ultramarathon that beat my quads. Is that effective training?? It's something.

So the priority for this week is making sure I recover and don't injury myself after that mega-long run and then getting back to shorter faster stuff.

Also I want to get into whittling and wood working again. I wanna make birds out of wood.

So yeah, big plans. None of it very much related to my current jobs but those don't feel very real right now. And the future feels very uncertain. Not in an altogether bad way though.

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