Tuesday, March 31, 2020

good thing I broke it

I made a second video today for my art and afterschool students. unfortunately, after the video uploaded I realized that my tone was a little cavalier in encouraging small children to climb to the tops of trees. fortunately, before anyone could complain, I tried to fix the video and ended up breaking it for hours. it was unwatchable. so anyone who disapproved it would discover that it didn't work anymore anyway. problem solved. then I realized that it was broken and edited it to be less controversial (even though it really wasn't controversial to begin with) and now it's watchable and safe! hooray!

I also had a workout today that went really really well. The two really good parts of it were that

1) it felt great from the beginning to run fast. I felt controlled and fast and good right away and I stayed in control and fast and ran really hard at the end

2) when it was over, I didn't feel exhausted. I felt energized. I felt good. Like I hadn't beaten myself into the ground. and as I'm recovering better and resting more and running better I'm realizing just how tired I was and the hole I had dug myself into over the course of this year.

I hope I carry that positivity and enthusiasm into future workouts and they keep getting better! that would be nice.

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