Thursday, October 10, 2013


Millions of billions of things have come before you! Billions of trillions of things will happen after you.
But you still have eyebrow hairs.
You still have these little follicles on your face to add nuance, to add an ever-so-slight distinction, to the vaporous expressions that leave and enter without announcement as they please.

That detail is staggering! Staggered! I am.

Who cares if you have eyebrow hairs? 
There they are.

Or what about a single eyebrow hair? That exists. It's as real as anything else and in the history of you--in the channel of the history of everything--there is that eyebrow hair. 

 It matters. It plays its part as eyebrow hair. The earnestness of an eyebrow hair is tremendous.

Surely, you, eyebrow hair, could float off and on into nothingness or otherness but you remain, steadfastly, and eyebrow hair. 

No one would miss you. No one would notice. But you remain, steadfastly, an eyebrow hair.

We owe it to our eyebrow hairs to know that we matter. To know that the hugeness of existence is made up of eyebrow hairs of all shapes and sizes and colors. 

That's weird! That's very weird to me. It's unsettling even. But, eyebrow hairs are what we've been given so eyebrow hairs are what we will have. 

Eyebrow hairs: the universe furrows its brow at you with silly austerity!


Anonymous said...

The best.

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! You are the nice.