Sunday, October 6, 2013


There are things in life that I should probably pay more attention to.

Twice now I've seen my sister on campus and she's waved at me and I've looked at her and haven't been able to recognize her face. For a moment she looks like a complete stranger. And then I'll think about it for a second, and look again, and recognize her and blurt out, "I didn't recognize you!"

And, I'm not saying that I should pay more attention so I can recognize my sister more easily. That's silly. I should pay more attention to the potential reason I'm not recognizing my little sister. This is important. This is like an important first step to something potentially catastrophic. This is the part of the movie where everything in the protagonist's life heretofore has been normal. But now these little things keep popping up that foretell the terrible occurrence. Or whatever plot device you prefer.

So in attempt to thwart the encroaching threat on my reality, here's a list of reasons I can't recognize my sister in public

-I still don't expect to see her here. She isn't part of my schema of college.

-Every night her face is being invisibly burned by the millipedes that live in the tiny holes behind her ears. And only I can sense the invisible trace they leave as they harvest her dead skin into wads of sinister stupidity

-A part of my brain is being eaten by another part of my brain to create infinite brain

-I never actually looked at my sister's face while growing up and then when I got to college I forced myself to make eye contact with people

-Given the sight is actually caused by the beams of light that is emitted from the retinas, my sister has strategically placed mirrors on her face to reflect that light and distort her image

-my sister got botox? (question mark?)

-My sister has pulled a Paul McCartney and only I can notice the difference

-The masks we wear during our waking hours have come unglued and we can't bear to look at what's underneath

-I'm trapped in a dream and not recognizing my sister is one of those dream things like not being able to read a clock or turn on lights.

-The millipede burning one again. That seems most plausible.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha that's crazy, yeah I guess it's because she isn't part of your schema of college.

Although, question: would these be millipedes put there by the Mennonites?

Hahaha I died at this one:
-My sister has pulled a Paul McCartney and only I can notice the difference

And this one was really cool:
-I'm trapped in a dream and not recognizing my sister is one of those dream things like not being able to read a clock or turn on lights.

That would explain it, that is such a thing with dreams.

Cassiar Memekio said...
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