Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Circle Circle Circle

If a blog is good for anything at all, maybe it's evidence that you did something on that particular day.

I mean, you blogged, at least.

Why that's a concern is sort of weird though. Does that mean without a blog that I'll look back and think that I've done nothing? Well, I'll know that I did something. It's not like I really enjoy reading my old posts anyway.

But, if a blog is good for anything at all, its evidence to YOU that I did something on this particular day. It's a statement to someone else. The reader. The future reader. The intended reader.

I guess the intended reader would be someone who finds this worth reading.

Or, the intended reader is someone who feels the same way I feel when I read someone else's blog/website/whatever.

But it's not like I can feel you feeling that. I'm unknowingly inflecting that (sometimes shameful) curiosity on you. Because I've felt it.

And it's partly that I think that curiosity is a good thing and I'd like to reciprocate it but it's equally true that I'm trying to raise myself up the way I (somewhat uncontrollably) raise up people I read about. It's just plain interesting to me.

I guess you're the one doing the raising. I don't know what I'm doing.

You should blog because you have thoughts you want to share...

but why do that in the form of a blog? Why commit to it?

Now it's come full circle.

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