Saturday, October 5, 2013

More like, FONDON'T!

I like to tell the kids where I work that I am very sad and alone. And that when I get off work I go home and cry myself to sleep.

They think it's funny.

And I was thinking about how there's something appealing about being okay with being sad. Or even, that it's funny to be plainly and openly sad. Louis C.K. talks about it a lot.

I'm not saying that people who are actually sad are funny.

But, the idea of crushing sadness and misery raining down from the sky is kinda funny to me. There's something absurd about it.

It's not like you could be afflicted with any other emotion. You can't be stricken with chronic happiness or anger or...surprise. But there's a whole rainbow of sadness that you can feel at any given moment. I don't know.

It'd be cool to switch bodies with someone for a day or eight.

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