Friday, October 25, 2013

Swimming Pool

Is green.

Life comes in phases. Things, people, afflictions, plagues--they all come in phases. Swimming pools too.

Blue swimming pools are a wonderful thing. This is undeniable. But a green swimming pool. Green swimming pools are the stuff or lore. There's whole creation myths arising from green swimming pools.

How did life come to be?

Well, there was probably this nasty pool of water with some junk floating around in it and then it got struck by lightning and the soup turned into amino acids or something.

Life is brought about by green swimming pools. Life is ended by green swimming pools.

What's a better portal to the underworld than a noxious, mottled pool of stagnant spew collected in a hard pit?

Life is transformed by a green swimming pool.

---and they'd all thought the rabbit with a marker duct-taped to its back was dead after it slipped through the bars of the fence and dove into the pool. The three kids stood in silence. Then they heard bubbling. A violent boiling became an eruption as the hideous beast reared its fatal-floppy-eared head above the water. It's teeth were long, yellow, crooked. Two bulging eyes darted about, consumed with vengeance. Mr. Sniffles was a twelve foot tall abomination and the marker was now a felt-tipped toxic bazooka. The rabbit had survived the waters, but innocence was drowned on the floor the deep-end.

And that's what I think about green swimming pools. Respect them. Just like any other natural wonder. 

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