Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Beard Poem

Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards!
Beards to my left. And beards to my right.
Beards by the day. And beards in the night.
Until, a dragon of beards flew over the land,
and snatched all the beards with its be-bearded hands.
Who could have concocted such a dastardly plan?
We were beardless and helpless! Oh man! Oh man!

Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards!
Our chins were now naked. Our chins were now cold.
There was no way to tell the young from the old.
We needed a beard warrior--with beard strength supreme!
With weapons, pizzazz, and high self-esteem!
The kind of hero who only exists in a dream--
riding a rainbow-colored horse that poops vanilla ice cream.

Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards! Beards!
But then appeared some dude from way far away,
the kind of dude-hero who just might save the day(?)
"Tell us your name, Beard warrior to-be!
Will you bring back our beards? Will you do it for free?
You are shining and strong, and have your college degree!
Tell us your name--it is...Melanie?"

That was the first three stanzas. I think I'll read this at my job. It'll be an ongoing story that mostly revolves around the first rhyming words that pop into my head.

I think rhyming has a real value in forcing you to progress in unexpected ways. I used to be against rhyming because it can sound forced and disingenuous, it can detract from an important emotion or idea you're trying to convey. But if you want to just tell a stupid beard story--then rhyming is a great way to plod-hop about it.


Cassiar Memekio said...

I completely agree with everything you said there about rhyming. It can work when you get into the flow of it but it's hard and it can get in the way of what you want to say and the way you say things. It is cool the progressing in unexpected ways thing though.

Hahahaha this was great:
"You are shining and strong, and have your college degree!
Tell us your name--it is...Melanie?"

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! I read it to the kids and they seemed to like it. I have more that I will post/read this week.