Friday, May 17, 2013

Strawb3rry Nearing

Steadily, time passes on and imperceptible frames of the moment create the illusion of drifting. Plate of pancakes is drifting forward, apparently. Or, since this void is without direction, the pancakes are drifting towards the strawberry in the distance.

Or the strawberry is approaching while the pancakes remain motionless. Or neither is moving and the strawberry is expanding at a furious rate. We cannot know but we feel something. We feel the impending sense of a meeting, an encounter.

But things are happening much too fast. This moment, this first moment--how can we be prepared, plate of pancakes?

Have you grown cold? When was the last time you were microwaved? Is your butter just a frozen chunk of space detritus? You must prepare. You must be on your best, most gracious, behavior. You must prepare. You must prepare for this moment that has never happened and will never happen again and, for that matter, might as well not happen at all,

but it will happen. Whatever it is, it will happen.    

It is much much closer now!

How have you changed plate of pancakes?! Are you smaller? Has it grown larger? 

Oh glory, look at the swirling colors. Like a tornado of peaches whipping through a lake of day-glo Magic Markers! 

Can we eat it? Can we touch it? Can we wish for Christmas every day? Can we throw ourselves into its orbit and be carried on solar winds? 

This is a strange adventure. 

You are a long way away for a plate of pancakes, plate of pancakes. You are a long way away from anything a plate of pancakes should be doing. Do you miss sitting in the microwave, kept warm, waiting to be eaten? Do you miss the warm maple syrup and clinking sounds of knifes and forks being collected from the drawer? What about the smell of rich, dark coffee? 

You don't miss it now! Because this is the new! This is the shining swirling gleaming dizzying new! Grab on tight to your houndstooth trousers! We approach!

Oh! Oh my! Not like this! Not like this! It's not...It's not a good thing! Turn away, plate of pancakes! All that glitters is NOT gold!

It's got teeth like bon-bons and eyes like pickled brains! It's got typhoid and diabetes in its saliva!

 Head back to the distance! Head away from here!

Find a new plan and some comfort in familiar empty spaces.

1 comment:

Shabopotamus said...

reminds me of the moon from Majora's Mask