Wednesday, May 1, 2013


This picture sums up that moment in your life when you're going along being swallowed by one unrelated event after another until finally you stumble upon some novel thing and hold it up like a shining beacon of purpose and direction.

That's what I felt this morning when I crumbled up a Pop-Tart put it in a cereal bowl, put some Trail Mix I bought out of a vending machine in that cereal bowl, added some almond milk and ate it in the dark before heading it to work. Silently thinking to myself, "Look. Look what I've created. Be it good or a fiendish mix of sugar sugar sugar peanuts and dough? The shadows consume my secrets."

That's like a new checkpoint for your life journey. When it's time to reevaluate, you go back to that moment and see what path it lead you down.

Don't do me wrong now, future. This train's bound for glory.

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