Monday, May 6, 2013

Los Plans

I think I'm going to spend this next year trying to convince myself I don't need money to be happy.

Because if you're happy without money, then you don't need money. Because doing things to get money are like some of the worst things in the world.

Some people have to stand outside and hold signs up for terrible businesses to get stupid people who are driving around with no person to go into their store because they say a guy waving a sign for it.

Some people make a lot of money by attracting attention to themselves and having no private life whatsoever and that makes them crazy and messes their kids up forever.

People do things they hate for years and years, like most of their life, to make money so they can have stuff.

But at the same time, money buys all the coolest things.

You can go to Busch Gardens, you can travel to Africa and watch lions eat lesser animals, you can buy a car that has bigger wheels than a normal car, you can fill your living room with couches and have an all-couch living room and serve guacamole to your friends out of an old wagon. You can buy a house and have a family and have kids that love you and don't starve can MAKE A PERSON! Even college. College costs so much money. And insurance. Being able to know that terrible things could happen to you but people will give you money to fix it. That's pretty awesome. It's like a money-net. I'll just be high-wiring it over a pit of dubious circumstances.

So, the way I see it--getting money makes your life terrible, but not having money makes your life...terrible. Or maybe not terrible. Terrible is the wrong word.

Fun. Fun is the right word. Jobs aren't fun. Money is great at buying fun.

But I was thinking today about how much I love running, because I do it every day. And how, no amount of money could make me any better at running. Or enhance what it already is. It's free. Except for shoes and shorts but I have those things and they're super cheap.

And making these dumb blog posts and paintings and stuff. That's all free. Except for internet but we're only a few years away from that being free everywhere...probably.

So, if I can just work my fun job that I have, and run a lot, and make dumb pictures about toast, then I'll have fun--and I won't need that much money which will minimize the not-fun.

And that's my plan I guess. To work hard at the things that are fun. Even if I'm not all that good at them.

And maybe later I'll move to a place where I can go up in front of people and try to make them laugh. Cuz that's also fun.

Yep. That's the plan. That's my stupid stupid plan.

1 comment:

teronaaa said...

I've really really liked all of your posts recently. :) Sometimes I forget just how smart and creative you are.