Sunday, May 19, 2013

Why Pancakes in Space Make a Great Hero

Ask yourself why a stack of pancakes floating in the farthest reaches of the galaxy makes a great literary protagonist!

Ask yourself!

Come up with anything?
I'll give you a reason or ten.

The stack of pancakes isn't just some character--it's a mirror. It reflects whatever emotions and ideas you put in it and shows them to you. 

And why is that important?

Because in the same way you can't use your eyeballs to see your own eyes, you can't think about the stuff inside your head without bouncing it off the outside world first. It creates an image that matches the fluid amorphous, slippery thoughts in your head and then you see it and you realize, "oh! This thing is like the thing in my head!" And now you can think about it and do all kinds of stuff with it.

For example,   

The stack of pancakes aren't just experiencing icy frozen sadness, they are sadness. These sad sad pancakes are the way you come to understand sadness itself. 

Like if sadness was grape juice, you know, the pale kind of white grape juice. And in your head, the grape juice has just been poured on a plain, bare wooden table. Well, you can't really see it. Or know anything about it. It's all sloshy and slurpy and a puddle of mumbles.

But the stack of pancakes is like a drinking glass for the grape juice. You pour the grape-brain juice out of your ears and into the glass and you can look through the glass and see the grape juice and go, "Oh! That's grape juice!"
But instead you look at sad pancakes crying a single giant tear and you understand what sadness is. 

Then you can drink it and put in the toilet later and flush it away forever!

Or another example,

You can't just know what plaid is. The plaid pancakes show you--give you a medium to understand--the raw element of plaid.
This is deepening your human experience! Pay attention!

You think you can walk around on the street or ride the bus all day looking out the window and try to know what the true meaning of plaid is?

Impossible. The stack of space pancakes has made the abstract into a concrete reality. It's turned energy to mass at the speed of fun!

PLAID PANCAKES! It's like the last strike of the shovel at the bottom of the well before you unearth the violent geyser of soy sauce boiling below the surface.

(for our purposes, a violent boiling soy sauce geyser is a good thing)

And finally, before I drown completely in metaphors...

Only through the stack of space pancakes can you see the thrilling bemusement of complete and total goobery.

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