Thursday, May 23, 2013

Very Special Bread

Another story for the keeds.

Your alarm clock blares at you. It's time to get up and go to school! You decide to put on your school clothes over your pajamas because it's extra comfortable and saves time. 

To save time brushing your teeth and combing your hair, you squeeze toothpaste all over the rug in the bathroom and roll around in it while scrubbing all over with your toothbrush.

There! Now you're sparkly clean and ready to start the day.

You go into the kitchen and Mom is making breakfast.

"Hey kid!" your Mom says, "I stayed up all night and made ten pounds of grits! Eat up!"

Your mom puts a giant tub hot buttered-grits in front of you and hands you a small snow shovel to eat it with.

You say, "Aww Mom! Not again!

You slowly shovel the grits into your mouth.
Suddenly, you hear something that sounds like a soft growl. You hope that you aren't hearing things because of the grits again.
A minute later, you hear the growl again. This time it's a little bit louder. It sounds like it's coming from the counter by the sink.

You look over at the sink but all you see is your Mom vacuuming the ceiling for the third day in a row. You go back to the grits.

Grrrr, There's the growl again! But this time it sounds like a word. No, it sounds like two words. It's a rumbly, scratchy voice saying, "feed me. feed me. feed me!"

It's definitely coming from the counter. Your Mom has gone into the back yard to wrestle the crocodiles so you're all alone in the kitchen now. You slowly walk towards the sound of the voice and it gets louder and louder. 

"feeeed me. feeeeed me. feeeeed me!"

You can reach out and touch the counter now but before you get any closer you say, "Who is that?"
"It's me!"

"Me who?"

"The toaster! I'm hungry! Feed me!"

You see the toaster now and when the voice speaks the toaster shakes softly.

"Toasters don't eat." you say.

"Most Toasters don't eat. But in the middle of the night I came to life and now you must FEED ME!"

"What do I feed you?"

"I need breaaaad!' The toaster shakes violently so that it is much closer to you now.

You run over to the pile of bread in the corner of the kitchen and grab two slices. You quickly put them into toaster and take two big steps back.

The toaster growls. Mmmmm. It heats up and turns a light shade of red. It starts to shake again, a lot this time, before it says, "Bleugh!" and shoots the burnt toast out of the top of its head. The toast hits the ceiling and bounces off and smashes through the window over the sink. 

"That bread is no good! I need special bread! Special bread!"
You scream and run out of the kitchen, grab you backpack and head to school.

That night, when you are sitting down at dinner. The toaster is back in its old spot and the window isn't broken anymore. The toaster doesn't say anything to you and your Mom and Dad don't say anything about the window being broken. Maybe none of it happened. 

Later, in the middle of then night, you wake up and think one thing, "BATHROOM!"

You walk to the bathroom down the hall. It's completely dark. You walk quickly because you really have to go. You open the door and turn on the light


You try to scream but the toaster shoots out two pieces of soggy bread and they get crammed in your mouth so all that comes out is, "muffled scream!"

The toaster says, "Listen to me. I need special bread. And there's only one kind of bread that is special enough for me. Pay very close attention. Beneath this house is a tiny room. And in that room there is a box. And in that box is the greatest bread in the history of bread. It is...the Golden Bread Helmet of Rancho Cucamunga! I need you to go to the basement and find the secret door in the corner. Go inside the door and you'll see a long hallway full of dangers, dragons, and arts and crafts projects. Once you complete all these challenges, you'll find the room and the helmet."

When the toaster finishes speaking you spit out the pieces of bread. "Okay," you say, "I'll do it...but you get out of the bathroom because I still really have to go!"

**5 minutes later**

You're in the basement now. It's completely dark except for the flashlight you brought. You're not sure which corner to check. You look at the first corner but all you see are some rats playing hopscotch with some cockroaches. That isn't it. You check the second corner but all you see is Gary Oldman sleeping in a sleeping bag.

In the third corner you see a tiny door. You'll have to crawl through it to fit. Before you open the door you take a second to prepare yourself for all the dangers that lay on the other side. You open the door and it's completely dark inside. You lean into the darkness and reach out and now you're falling. You're falling and falling and falling! Where was the hallway?! Where are the arts and crafts projects?! 

You're falling in darkness for a very long time, you have no idea which way is up or down. What's at the bottom of this hole? What if it doesn't have a bottom?


You land on a pile of dusty potatoes that somehow break your fall. You turn on your flashlight and see a note on the ground that says, "Sorry about not having a hallway. It would've taken too much time and money. Love, the Toaster."

You look up from the note and see the door leading to the room with the box. You run in and see the box. It's a small black cube with no latches or handles or lid of any kind. You stand in front of the box and say, "Hey box! Gimme that Bread Helmet!"

The box shakes and a deep voice says, "You have correctly guessed the magical phrase, here is the Golden Bread Helmet of Rancho Cucamunga, chosen one."

The top of the box slides off and you shield your eyes from the bright light inside. You squint and see the helmet. It's a beautiful Golden gladiator helmet. You pick it up and hold it in your hands and cry tears of joy.

But then you realize, how are you going to get out of here?

Just then a trap door opens underneath your feet and you fall through it. This time you only fall for a short time because the next thing you know you're sitting in your kitchen and it's time for breakfast. Your mother sees you but before she can say anything your run over to the toaster and cram the Golden Helmet into the slots.

The toaster says, "Thank you! This helmet is delicious!" It grows bright red, then blue, then yellow. It rises into the air and spins around and around.

Then, the Helmet slowly rises out of the toaster. The toaster says, "I have transformed the Golden Bread Helmet of Rancho Cucamunga into the Toast Helmet for the Ruler of Bread. And now you, chosen one, are the Ruler of All Breads and Toasts."

The Helmet floats over and lands on your head. It fits perfectly. You are the Ruler of All Bread and Toast. You can create Bread and Toast anytime you want. And bread and toast will always obey your orders.
You will never have to eat grits for breakfast again!!!!! 

The End!

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