Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Buttermilk Sail

So, this is the first image then. Simple enough. Stack of flapjacks in space. Ominous glowing strawberry star in the distance. We'll see where it leads.


Oh intergalactic plate of pancakes! I can relate!

Suddenly there's all this freedom and potential. Exciting! But it also feels like a void. A stack of grittlecakes as fine as you will not languish in a pile of rotten, molden olden trash.

 You've done it! You've finally launched yourself into space. Where comets fly and the golden asteroids flow like crunchy cereal bits on dairy cascades! Gimme a couple dollars and gilded martian underpants!

But, now. For the moment, where is there to go?

 Wait. What?

What kind of talk is that? You appreciate your freedom, plate of pancakes. Embrace it! Fill the void with dreams and your buttery majesty!

And keep your slappy, happy flappyjack sights on the strawberry in the distance!

The only choice for all stacks of pancakes is to choose to motor on.

Energy is the now!

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