Thursday, November 22, 2012

On Thanksgiving

So, we went to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving. Once we got there I went downstairs to a couch and was like 
What am I doing here again?

But then I remembered....
Thanksgiving = FoodHavings
Thanksgiving is like the celebration of a baby so juicy and tender that the only proper thing to do was stuff him full of bread crumbs and make sandwiches out of him for the rest of the week.

So I was all excited for eating food!

I'm smiling so my teeth can be closer to the food!

But then I saw the food.
Creamed corn casserole and brussel sprouts garnished in bacon . 

But that's not the Thanksgiving Spirit. You gotta be thankful! Not critical! Being a jerk is what makes every OTHER day of the year magical. Thanksgiving is about appreciating goodness.
 And my grandma was all like, "Oh! How much mash potatoes are you going  to eat?"


 And there wasn't that much other food that I wanted to eat. So I improvised and put a twist on the  classic phrase, "Quality over Quantity".

How many plates of mashed potatoes did I eat?
It wasn't even a discrete number anymore. Just a flowing state of uncomfortable fullness.

And after the meal is when the real fun starts. That's when you start making your food faces. You just sit on the couch with your sister, hold your belly and periodically turn to her and use that voice you use when you're so full that you sound congested:

Dear Sister, this is the most wonderful time of the year.

I am thankful for the *burp* warmth the holidays bring as the days get shorter and we...

descend into dark times...from which...we may never retur-ugggghhhhhh .
 So many potatoes. So man potatoes. So-moh-puh-to-to.....ohhhhhh. Nap it up. And nap it out.

And then later...
Hey Erin, remember when I threw corn in your drink for the (who knows how many?) year in a row? This holiday is the best.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(These pictures were taken back in March of this year for a completely unrelated thing. I JUST  CAPTIONED THEM INTO RELEVANCE!)

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