Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Recorded here: LINK

Let's do another Think of Something Interesting.

If I looked out my window right now and there was a cloud there and it vomited up a cardboard box and a thick rope made out of cinnamon flavored dental floss and then told me to climb on it, that'd be interesting.

And if I opened my window and stepped on to the cloud but didn't fall through it because the cloud contained some sort of pillowy innards, I'd be like "no ways!"

But before we could take off into the sky the cloud would have to knit me an awesome sweater out of otter fur to keep me warm during our voyage and while it's knitting the sweater I'd be like, "Cloud! This is so illegal!"

So I'd put the sweater on and he'd take me to this island full of giant ants that are constantly decomposing and their limbs fall into the sand and are eaten by the sand but then the limbs reemerge from the sand in some other spot except they disintegrate into thousands of tinier ants that are then eaten by the giant ants and there are coconut trees but instead of coconuts they have speakers on them that are playing the Beach Boy's "Good Vibrations" in Swedish!

The interesting part though is that the Swedish version of Good Vibrations sounds exactly the same as the English version except in Swedish it's talking about a man who wants to get a sleeping bag and live in a vending machine full of pretzels and spiders.

And then the cloud pulled out its own ghettoblaster and started playing all the hits in 8 BIT REMIX form! And my pixelated-self was jump-moving with joy! There were coins raining down everywhere. At the end of the night I was so 1-UP'd I thought I was going to live forever.

And I did live forever. But when we got to the last level the whole thing restarted again!

And the cloud got bored so he lured me into his cabbage patch with some old flaming Christmas ornaments. I fell asleep in his cabbage patch and when I woke up I was writing this.

That'd be kind of interesting.

Getting new running shoes for my birthday!


Funnie Paranoia said...

Happy birthday!

I just, ya know, assume that it's now or soon since you're getting running shoes.


Andy Lawrence said...


Me too!