Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 7- 100 miles

so that happened. Not running tomorrow.

When you run a lot you learn a lot about yourself. Sometimes, you learn too much about yourself.

Um...I think when I was probably somewhere around mile 98 I had a bit of a runner's high all of a sudden and I got chills and I just felt really good and in my head I was thinking, LOVE! YES! Love is good! Everything is beautiful! 

And then about a quarter of a mile later this huge pain in my side crept up, like a stitch or whatever, and I almost slowed to a hobble and was like, No! Not good. Be good again! Be good again!

But uh...then I was just running. And that was good too.

Sooooo what did we learn today Andy?

Did we learn about the transcendent powers of running or friendship or nature or something?

Maybe a little.

But mostly I was just running because I really really really really really like running. Inherent good and whatnot.

But...probably the most remarkable thing happened after the run when I was in the shower. And I was cleaning myself, and I felt something weird...and then I pulled a hair out of my butt.

Like, a human head hair, pretty long, that was not mine, but was in my butt. I don't even...what?

If you're any sort of decent human being, you have to provide sound effects, even if only in your head, as you're pulling.

Something like, wooooOOOOoooooOOOOOOoooOOOOOP!

When you pull someone else's hair out of your butt, your first thought is, do I recognize this? Then your very next thought is, I don't want to know anything about this hair. This is not real life.

Yeah, go run a hundred miles in seven days and maybe you too can pull someone else's hair out of your butt. It's kinda like a miracle...cept gross. Not like, stigmata gross, but still pretty gross.?

I'm gonna go order new running shoes...

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