Sunday, April 22, 2012


Requests! I fulfill them.

In other news, I got A STOMACH VIRUS! HOORAY!

Those things are nasty.


Also this happened!

As I'm attempting to walk back to my dorm I lie down next a field where 600 something people are setting the world record for longest spooning train. I'm not actually part of the spoon train, I'm just next to it enjoying the warmth of the sun and lightly spooning my backpack. After about thirty minutes of that I get up and throw up all the Gatorade I've consumed in the last two hours into a trash can. I really savor that last dry heave where I feel my whole stomach clench and it's completely empty.

Trudging off in the direction of my dorm, this guy, who has just seen me get up and vomit, asks if I want to go to his for some water.

So I do!

He's insistent that he get me some filtered water (since that tap water is the devil), but his Brita pitcher is empty so I have to stand there for a couple minutes while all these people are walking in and out of this kitchen of this house I've never been in (turns out it's a fraternity house). So I just start telling them, "Hi! I have a stomach virus!" or "Hi! I threw up in a trashcan!"

and then...believe it or not...

...that night I didn't get a date to the big college dance...

booest of hoos.

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