Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Struggle

Nothing's ever gonna stop me, man. Hardship's only gonna make me stronger.

You know, you can't ever lose sight of your goals. Sometimes, late at night, you're sitting in the lounge all by yourself, strain in your eyeballs, working hard, and you start getting those yogurt farts real bad. But you can't let that get you down. And you can't stop eating whole bowls of yogurt. That's dairy. That's the second most important food group behind PB&J. If it bothers other people that's their problem, not yours. You keep that gas inside of you and your nipples will turn blue.

It's like that Rihanna song, "Don't Stop the Music". Whenever I hear that song, and I think of the lyrics, I remind myself that I'm the "don't" in that song. As in, I'm don't not gonna stop. Whether it be the music, or some card game, or finding stamps after the post office is closed, I'm don't not EVER gonna stop. Just like Rihanna told me.

And you can't let anyone tell you your dreams are stupid either. No one knows but you. Like, Alexander Graham Bell, he had a dream to make an annoying box that rings and rings and then when you make it stop ringing you get someone's annoying voice that doesn't even really sound like them blathering about whatever and telling you got to go to the park for some chili cook-off even though you just had chili last night and if you go to the park you know you're gonna see that guy at the bench by the tree and he's gonna be wearing the same clothes he always does and he's just gonna be looking at you. He's just gonna keep looking at you like he's gonna say something but he's not...

Yeah, Alexander Graham Bell had a stupid idea. The telephone was a stupid idea. But then we got cellphones from that, and cellphones have calculators on them, and now when you try to figure out what you need to tip when you go out to eat, it doesn't have to turn into a big math-a-thon. And Alexander Graham Bell probably knew that.

No one's gonna stop me. I got dreams. I got plans. Sometimes I'll be looking out the window at nothing at all and I'll imagine someone looking at me looking out the window and I'll think, yeahhh, they probably think I'm thinking awesome thoughts right now. I'm really just listening for the bus (WHICH I JUST MISSED) but they don't know that. It's not gonna stop them from hiring a biographer for me in ten years.

I know struggle. Every day I'm trying to stay hydrated and a lot of the times I still pee bright yellow and it even stings a little bit. And then I gotta go to class and learn about what poems mean but it still stings a little bit. I've lost water bottles. I've lost dozens of water bottles. And everyone of them meant something. But you can't define yourself by your losses. You gotta use water fountains, you gotta use plastic water bottles, you gotta use nasty mugs way back in the corner of your desk, or empty Febreeze bottles, or just fill up your cheeks with water and sit there in class with your face all bloaty.

But I'm gonna stay hydrated. Nothing's gonna stop me, man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intelligent metaphors!