Monday, April 23, 2012

Has anyone looked at banner adds lately?

I feel like I stopped noticing them completely until last night when I saw this on a dictionary website:

Guys, I'm worried about banner ads. I think they've given up.

Do they even know what they're trying to do anymore? Are they trying to scam me? Or give me viruses? Or just make me feel uncomfortable and scared.

It's such a powerful image of our times! Don't we all have giant red sirens on our heads and feel like aging suburban moms wearing super-villain costumes in mismatched bodies?!

Then there was this on Youtube.
I just like their attitude. I didn't actually watch the video but I think the picture says enough.

"Dude, I just peed SO fast! You were recording it, right?!"
"Yeah! It was probably a WORLD RECORD!"

"The people have to know!"

Anyway, the internet is still amazing. I can't tell if these pictures are actually funny. Maybe it was just the context I saw them in but they made me laugh really hard. Probably harder than I should have.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha this is so entirely true it's not even funny. I'm trying to keep up with your posts better so I can actually comment now haha.