Friday, December 30, 2022

commit to the bit

 I have one of those little boards in my room at my parent's house with the little magnet stylus and you place it on the tablet and it draws up magnetic filings that you can write and draw with. And every year I pick something to write on it on new year's. this past year the word was "record". I'm not exactly sure how long I've been doing this. Maybe since I've moved to charlottesville. I can't remember what the other words were. I probably have posts about them. 

I'm not even completely sure that I change the words on new years. It might just be when I'm home.

Anyway the word was record for this year because I wanted to do a better job of blogging and recording things as they happened. Like I got on Strava this year which helped me record my running and I think that was really successful. 

I think this year I might choose the phrase, "commit to the bit" and for me that means making a plan and sticking to it no matter how ridiculous it is. Being fully invested in your chosen course of action. At camp we also talk a lot about "bits" and doing little jokes and routines and things. That's one of my favorite parts of it. 

Yeah, this year I want to commit to the bit of running 3,000 miles in a year, climbing a bunch, and whittling a lot. And also keeping up the blogging I've been doing. 

One thing I've realized since being home is that it's easy to do these things if I really stay focused and don't let myself get distracted by a lot of other stuff. If I start doing too much else then I feel tired and the fatigue builds and builds until I end up not doing the stuff I really like doing. 

In my first week of being here I remember being so tired that I was seriously thinking about just giving up running seriously and committing to climbing. That seems absurd now but I realize that I was just really really tired. Now that I've been able to rest that seems ridiculous. 

anyway, we'll do our best.

sanding- did more sanding and listening to strong bad emails. the pieces are looking pretty good and ready to be painted. I also started on script for a little episode to make during the summer.

running- I felt a little tired but it was so warm out and I ended up having a good workout where I tried to run really hard on some roads around the neighborhood. They are some of the first loops I ever run so it's exciting to try to get the records for them on Strava. I got one and was 2nd in another and then the third one was into a pretty strong headwind so I was only 5th but it was still encouraging. I was running close to 5 min pace and that's pretty exciting to be doing that in workouts again for distances that are almost a mile. I think I'm getting really fit.

fun thought

Seneca once said, "to a ship with no destination, all winds are unfavorable"

Unless, like, you're just stoked about the wind, right? Like, I got this big ol' sail on this bad boy, let's catch some major gusts. right? I'm just in it for an easy breezy time. Don't get bummed that you aren't headed the right way when you're just enjoying the motion of the ocean, sen-dog.

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