Thursday, December 29, 2022

what a view


run 12 miles- did that! Ran out Fort Lynne road and to the end of Antioch. Got the course record for the big steep hill on Fort Lynne by the church. I think I first ran up that hill in 2005 and when I was home for Easter in the spring I got the record for it. Then about a month or so later a guy who lives less than a mile from it took it back from me. I thought maybe I had a chance to get it today and ran my hardest. I was surprised to get the record by as much as I did but then I checked the wind speed and direction and realized that I had a pretty good tailwind today and actually a pretty decent headwind back in the spring so that makes sense. By the end of the run today I was feeling pretty tired but that it was a hilly one. 

whittling and sanding- Someone made an 8 hour youtube video that has every Strong Bad email and all of the DVD commentary the creators did when they made DVD versions (which I own!). So I put that on and did a bunch of sanding and work on the little wooden figures I'm making. Sometime in the past I carved a little duck/bird thing for my mom and I was looking at it today and realized I could go over it again with some finer grit sandpapers. I spent almost an hour working on it and by the end I didn't think it looked that much better. I think it's mostly due to the fact that the wood doesn't have much of a defined grain and the sanding would have brought it out but there wasn't that much to bring out to begin with. It was still a fun little challenge to work on. 

fun thought

    I had an idea as I working today for some videos to create in the summer. There's this trend going around recently where a bunch of guys sit around a table and two players on opposite ends of the table take turns placing random objects on the table as if they are competing in this very intricate and tense high-stakes game. So like one guy will place a tea cup on the table very carefully and then the next guy will put a wedge of cheese in the tea cup but then the first guy will stick a fork in the cheese in the tea cup and everyone will act surprised like this was some brilliant play and reversal. Anyway, I was thinking about that and I was thinking about shows like Yu-Gi-Oh where the characters will have this very intense battle in a card game and the rules don't really make any sense but it's very dramatic and the monsters and creatures look very cool and exciting and all that. So my plan is if I end up making a bunch of these little wooden creatures and objects and shapes and whatever and painting them then we'll stage these battles between two counselors as if they dueling with these weird wooden characters or whatever. And we'll act like it's this exciting camp game that gets played all the time but really the rules are just whatever makes for an entertaining video. And we'll have some protagonist who always wins despite all odds and reason.

that'd be fun.

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