Tuesday, December 27, 2022

40 degrees is warm now

 Tasks for the Day

-run 12 miles. 

    Did this. Felt good. I was excited to wear a t-shirt to run and initially started with gloves but immediately realized I'd be too warm with them. Still wore some thin tights. It was a mostly easy run with two segments where I ran hard to try to get the course record on Strava. I got them! That was fun. I haven't been doing formal workouts for a few weeks but I think focusing on doing more miles has been helpful. Also, the weather has just been too bad lately to really attempt a workout. It was an effort to just get out the door some days. But I feel stronger for it.

-do some whittling

    When I was in charlottesville I picked up a few scrap pieces of wood and used my knife to shape them a little today. All that's really left is to sand them which is not my favorite part but I'll feel good to have made these little doo-dads. I'm not really sure what they are. Doo-dads is a good word. Trinkets. Googaws. Figurines? Just some little wooden pieces that I might give away or give as gifts or give as awards to the counselors this summer.

I didn't do much else for the rest of the day. I was really tired after running and eating and laid down for a bit. It feels good to be able to recover and rest a lot. I'm a lot more motivated to run when I'm able to rest so well between. I'd like to spend more time in Harrisonburg. It feels like I'm only able to come a handful of times throughout the year. I'm pretty busy on weekends these days and the summer doesn't let up much. 

fun thought of the day:

I'm going to be a billion seconds old on January 2nd, 2023 at approximately 5:14 pm

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