Sunday, August 7, 2022

a core memory from this one time

 One time I was in my mom's car and she was driving me home from afterschool and I remember exactly where we were at the bottom of this hill at a stoplight and I think we were listening to NPR or something and this person they were interviewing said something about "young people tend to behave in this way at this age" or something like that and I remember I was so offended and indignant. I yelled something like "that's not true! he doesn't know anything!"

I'm thinking about it now and I'm thinking that maybe what I was offended by was the idea that someone was exerting control over me by describing how I was supposed to or was likely to behave based on my age. And thinking about it now, I guess it's not that drastic an assumption but I think something I believe very deeply is that at any moment any person could do something utterly spontaneous and new. I really believe that's an important part of being human. If it's all set and describable and determined then what's the point really? Even if things tend to follow a pretty regular pattern I think there has to be room for chaos and something new to occur. 

That and some kneejerk defiance against some random guy trying to tell me my business.

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