Monday, August 22, 2022

August 22nd: back to running

 On Saturday I woke up and didn't want to move at all. I felt like a deflated balloon. Just a wrinkly saggy person. I found some old potatoes in the fridge and ate those and then spent the next 5 to 6 hours writing emails to the counselors to thank them for a great summer and try to convince them to come back next year. 

Then I climbed for a bit until the gym closed and then I went for a late night run and felt pretty exhausted. It was a weird day. There's definitely a cumulative fatigue that builds up over the summer and I felt the need to rest and do as little as possible. I did some cleaning around the house and organizing that I'd been putting off for a while. At one point I realized, on Sunday, that I'd left the Adequate Lifeguard award behind at camp so I drove out there to retrieve it. It was a good reason to get out of the house and it helped a little to go out there. 

On Sunday it rained for much of the morning and early afternoon. I didn't get as much sleep as I thought I would from Friday to Saturday but Sunday I slept a lot and would lie in bed and not quite nap. I called my mom in the afternoon and talked to her which was good. 

What I really like most of all is to be able to put energy into something that is rewarding and feels good and camp has always been that for me. There's always this big let down when it's over because there's not really a replacement for it socially. I did go on a run though and I committed to doing a longer run than I've done in months and it felt really good. It reminded me that running is something I can put energy into that is positive and I took a lot of relief from that. I did over 11 miles at a pretty good pace and I thought I was going to slow down a lot towards the end but when I reached UVA and Main street there were a lot of people and traffic and it's fun to pass cars that can't go fast so I ended up surprising myself and running a pretty decent mile towards the end. 

Today I made some pancakes for myself because I've had pancake mix for years that I've never used and I'm glad I finally used it. I've also done a lot of stretching while listening to podcasts and youtube videos. My hamstrings and legs in general are really tight and I haven't taken the time to work on them at all. I need to get some mobility back.

Looking ahead to this year I'm a little anxious about money because my rent is a lot more than it was last year but I also know that I'll be making more money. I'm not sure how much but I'll figure it out. It's hard not to be worried about money considering that a lot of people aren't doing well and are in debt these days. By all measures my generation is worse off than the previous generations. I'm happy with what I do and I know I'll be fine but it is generally depressing. 

Anyway, I need to go do my dishes and eat some fruit and text Stewart about climbing today. I'll probably do an easy run of about 8 or 9 miles in the afternoon.

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