Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 25th: smriti's birthday

 Yesterday I had a really good climbing session and sent 3(!) v5's. Without too many tries on them either! v5 climbs are starting to feel pretty comfortable although there are still some that completely shut me down. But that's also how v4's and v3's used to feel. I've been doing a lot of work on my finger strength and endurance. A goal I have for next summer is to get the deadhang record at camp. During the overnights we started doing this thing where we would see how long someone could hang from a rafter in the cabin. I got beat by several people and never took back the record which really hurt my pride as someone who considers themselves a climber and tries to get better at hanging from things. Two days ago, hanging from a pretty ideal hold I made it to 100 seconds which would be the camp record. I would like to get to 2 minutes. 

I had a good run after climbing. I was feeling pretty hungry but I ate a peanut butter bagel and was fine. I did some barefoot grass strides and felt pretty speedy. I checked in with the counselors to see how their doing and how school is going. I appreciate that they responded. It feels like we all genuinely enjoy being around each other but I also know that camp is somewhat separate and they have lives outside of camp. I don't want to bother anyone or feel like I'm overstepping a boundary. 

Today I've been pretty tired. I had breakfast with Smriti and now I'm about to go to try-outs for the climbing team. We have 50 kids signed up which is HUGE. Fully half of them could get turned away which is kind of a bummer because I think all of the coaches believe that we want to work with anyone who is interested in climbing. It's also exciting though because if we're being brutally honest, the work ethic and excitement around climbing last year was not shared by everyone and it really only takes one or two people to bring down the excitement and attitude of a small team. 

I started working on a pen drawing that I'm pretty happy with so far. It's been nice to work on a piece every day. Life has been pretty stress free and productive this week. I'm sure it won't last and I'll get bogged down with other things or tired or whatever but right now I'm having a great time. Probably a big part of it is living on my own and not having to think about sharing a space with other people. 

I'm going to run after try-outs and I'll probably be pretty tired so I'm trying to think of something that will make it seem interesting and worthwhile. Something to get excited for. Maybe I'll try to do some easy tempo miles on the track. We'll see. I might also just get in the mileage and worry about that tomorrow.

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