Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29th: Grifters

 Sometimes I try to notice patterns in words being used. Like the frequency of them. I'm almost always wrong but it's fun to pretend. The word I think that has surged in popularity is "grift" and "grifters". 

Maybe in the past year I've heard it used a fair amount from multiple sources. Actually, let's check the google search popularity and see if I'm right. 



Google has my back on this. In November of 2020 we hit peak grift, as they say. Hmmm, I wonder what historical event was going on in November 2020 that would have lead to a surge in the usage of "grift".

Prior to this I had only heard the term used in one Simpsons episode when Homer and Bart start grifting. That episode premiered in 2000. 

Anyway I think it's a useful term because it gets applied a lot to these shady tech scams dealing with NFT's and crypto. As well as politicians and people looking to take advantage of concern over social issues. 

I remember in the Simpsons episode, Grandpa Simpson finds out what Homer and Bart are doing and reveals that he wrote the book on grifting, being a con-artist during the Great Depression. Maybe that says something about the times we're living in. 

Anyway I had a really good workout yesterday. I was going to do 6xmile at under 6 minute pace but I felt good during the first rep and decided to change it to 3x2 miles which is a higher quality workout considering I'm not trying to go fast, I'm just trying to run as much under 6 minute pace as possible. It was really hot and humid so the effort was a little higher than I would've wanted but I think I did a good job of staying relaxed and sitting with the discomfort. By the end I'm not sure I could've done another one but also I was consistently running 87s and 88s instead of 90 second quarters so if I had slowed down and run the appropriate pace it would've felt much smoother. That's okay. The work was done and this is just the beginning. After I write this I'm going to go on a run. It's really hot but I have to get it done now because we have a coaching training at 5:30 and then I'm getting dinner after that. I also need to buy groceries. 

I talked to Luke and Erin on the phone yesterday. There are some of my favorite folks to talk to. I should find a way to visit Luke at some point. 

Off I go to bake in the sun. Smriti bought my sunscreen today and I put it on my face and it burnt my eye. Am I dumb or is sunscreen wrong?

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