Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24th: join the covenant today

 Yesterday afternoon I went on a walk with Janey at Monticello. It was really good to catch up with her. So much drama! Then I ran with Corey and felt pretty good. This burst of energy I have from camp being over might catch up with me at some point. We'll see. Every day I've felt good enough to push medium hard and I'm running a lot more than I was. I ate dinner with Smriti and that was nice. I like not having to worry about getting ready for bed on time and prepping for the next day.

Today I made pancakes again and thoroughly enjoyed them. I woke up pretty late and had a lazy morning and then did more stretching and mobility work while listening to Glass Animals. I think How to Be a Human Being is my favorite album. I mostly finished another painting. It could either be done or I could work a lot more on it. I'm thinking maybe I'll put together a collection of paintings/drawings and writings and do something with it. I'm not sure yet. 

My friends and I were talking about Biden's debt relief announcement. We agreed that it was a good step but definitely not enough. It's like, if we agree that it's a problem and that it's bad for people to be in that much debt, then why only do a little? I don't know. It seems to all be based on this idea that a system is only fair and working if some people are punished and doing poorly and that if those punishments aren't strict or enforced then, y'know, anarchy will break out or something. Even though we know that these negative outcomes are unjust and actively harm everyone. We know for a fact that it's not good to have people fail. It is objectively better to support people even if they don't "deserve it". Look at efforts to treat housing like a medical issue and give people housing. Look at Finland giving a basic universal income. It's just so silly to me. 

Anyway I'm gonna go climbing and send a v5 slab I almost got last time.

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