Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 On Friday and Saturday I climbed really hard. Saturday in particular. My fingertips were RAW. Now I've had two days of rest and I'm FRESH AS A DAISY. We're ready to get after those projects. We're ready to flex the fingers! The flexor digitorus profundus!

I'm talking to v5 projects that we're trying to take down. One I've got most of the moves down and it just requires a wicked left hand bump off a heinous pinch to sharp crimp and it's about COMMITMENT. It's about CONTACT STRENGTH! Get the neurons firing to STICK IT. CONFIDENCE! We've got this! 

The second project is another wickedly sandbagged v5 that features a huge move off a bad left hand slopey pinch and decent right hand crimp with some feet that AREN'T WHERE YOU WANT THEM up to a disgusting right hand pinch. And it's about heaving your torso up there and STICKING IT! Refusing to drop. Defying gravity.

Then I'll probably just mess around. There's also a white v5 that I'm pretty sure I can get. It's a big jump move off slippery feet and I think I wore the wrong shoes last time. Gotta bring my jumpy boots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive use of CAPITALIZATION. Really makes the audience viscerally FEEL what's going on.