Friday, May 13, 2022

the wetness scale

damp- that's the lightest one. just a hint of moisture.

moist- one step up from damp

soggy- I went back and forth over whether soggy is more wet than wet but decided that it's slightly less wet than wet.

wet- pretty much the middle but there are way more synonyms for things that are beyond wet

dripping- dripping is often paired with wet. "you're dripping wet" it's being so wet that the wetness is become drips. it's not like I have to spoonfeed you guys this stuff. I just think the commentary adds texture.

soaked/saturated- now we're getting into some serious wetness. something that's been completely submerged in a liquid. I think soaked and saturated are truly a tie

drenched- drenched is like soaked but the water was applied more forcefully

sopping- sopping is an appalling amount of wetness. you're causing a scene at this point. disrupting the peace.

waterlogged- one time in 4th grade we were doing a science experiment. I forget about what. I think it was making a potato float in water or something. Something about boats? We were putting stuff in tubs of water. Maybe it was cardboard. Who knows. Anyway, I've always been terrible at experiments and at some point whatever we were putting in the water refused to float at all and I will never forget that our teacher came over and said, "oh that's waterlogged." And ever since that day the term waterlogged has represented to me a terminal condition that one can never overcome. No amount of dryness can undo waterlogged. 

So anyway today on my run I was waterlogged.

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