Saturday, May 14, 2022

open house at the pool

 slept in a good amount and then got up and drove out to the pool for an open house. It was a little rainy so not many people showed up but the people who were there seemed really happy about it and so that was good. I sat on the guard chair and whittled for about 3 hours. I talked a lot with Henry about the upcoming summer and memories of past summers. It was a good time. Then I came home and napped. Woke up at like 7:50 and decided I would still get my run in. 

I washed my sheets. That was good. Tomorrow I'd like to do a workout and get at least a little bit of climbing in and get groceries. I was also planning to go back out to the pool for the open house again. It kind of took up a large part of the day so I may not. We'll see. Tomorrow I think I'll do a hilly tempo run and finish up with more hills after. It's never a bad idea to do hills. 

I'm feeling good. It was kind of weird that I needed to nap today because I don't think I've had bad sleep this week but with my long days it's hard to feel fully recovered all the time. There's always more to be done. 

I'm really grateful and excited about my new car. It's the nicest car I've ever owned by far and it's really fun to drive. The paint looks so good! And it's just a really excellent car in general. I feel so fortunate.

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