Sunday, May 29, 2022

feels alright

 I've been a little angsty about my running since December because every time I've gone to the track to run a mile under 5 minutes it's felt really hard. And not too long ago and even when I was in college, if I was in good shape and feeling good I remember I could just go to a track and run one at will and it didn't feel particularly hard. It wasn't always easy but I didn't feel like I was all-out. 

Anyway I think it was creating a bit of a barrier so today my legs felt really good and I didn't have a workout planned and my calf still felt a little weird so I didn't want to do anything crazy hard but three miles into my run today I decided I felt good enough and the CHS track was on my way back so I should stop by and run a hard mile. Even though I was in heavier trainers and it was warm and I'd been climbing for 2 hours, why not just go to the track and run a hard mile. And I had my garmin that doesn't really give splits. 

So I ran a pretty hard 1600 in 5:02 and felt pretty good. The thing that I was really happy with is that I was guessing my splits and not really caring and just running with the appropriate rhythm. It was the effort that I remember those mile attempts being in the past. And even though I didn't break 5 I was a lot closer to doing it than I thought I would be. I let it happen instead of forcing it. I would rather run a low 5 and feel like that than be just under 5 and feel awful. Plus, now I have a lot of confidence in doing it again. So, we'll keep coming back to the hard 1600 as well as the hard 400 and try to have some fun this summer with running. here's hoping the calf comes around. and the wrist!

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