Saturday, May 28, 2022

Summer Plans

 Coaching is winding down. Camp is starting up. I've made about 8 bamboo cups for the counselors. I think I have 3 or 4 more to make. One has been fully sanded and finished with the fractionated coconut oil I bought at wal-mart today. 2 or 3 others are fully sanded. Mostly sanded. The others are still a little rough and need some sanding and whittling to be done. It's been really hard on my wrist to do a lot of whittling and climbing. I might need to slow down.

Last week the right side of my body was really struggling. At the same time that my achilles was flaring up on Monday I was also dealing with some wrist pain. It made me a little anxious to run and to climb so that wasn't great. It was still a good week though because I got a little break from doing work at camp so I felt more rested. Also I was happy to get so many bamboo cups made and really streamline the process of making them. They're really fun to do and I think I'd like to continue making them throughout the summer and potentially into the fall. Maybe I could make some interesting ones and start putting stuff back on craigslist free stuff. Something about the warm weather just makes me love whittling.

I think I'd like to take and post a picture every day from camp this summer. It would be a nice way to remember this first summer out of covid. 

Tomorrow I'm going to work a little more on the cups. Help clear out some stuff out of the basement and dining room. Hopefully run without any pain. I might also climb. We'll see how I'm feeling. I also have to buy groceries and do laundry. 

Doing well!

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