Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Last Day of May

 Going to bed last night I felt completely exhausted. I think I fell asleep faster than I have in a long time. Woke up feeling pretty good and ended up being in a bit of a rush getting out the door. I was fully out of my driveway and in front of my house when I remembered that I left something I would need for the climbing team party I was going to directly after work. Instead of parking my car in the street I decided to back up and go back into my driveway. I misjudged the turn and ended up backing into the curb. I heard a crunch and some more crunching and I realized I truly goofed. Ended up with a fairly large crack on my passenger side rear bumper and hurried off to work. 

Today we hiked at St. Mary's Wilderness. It's probably my favorite hike we do at camp and the water was higher and faster than I'd ever seen it before. This was also the youngest group by far that I've taken on this hike. But they ended up doing great and everyone had a wonderful time. Hiking is great because there's a lot less thinking and planning involved. We just go out into the world, do the hike, drive back, and that's pretty much the whole day. 

I had a pretty great run on the gravel roads by camp and I was really happy that my achilles has recovered and I didn't end up missing that much running that I would have done otherwise. I'll still avoid spikes for a bit but I'm happy to only have one injury instead of two. I think without realizing it I pushed my wrist way too hard while climbing and also trying to do some rehab injuries. It hasn't been very sore but if I do certain small movements I'll get shooting pain up my wrist. I can tell there's some swelling and I've kept icing. I think with true rest it will heal up fairly quickly. I just haven't really been resting for the week that it's been hurting and I've let the pain get to the point where I don't want to mess around with it anymore. That sounds really bad but it's more annoying than anything. I'm not too worried about it. Mostly bummed that I won't be able to climb. It's weird because I can do some weight bearing movements without any pain at all but very small things that I don't even think about will make it freak out. 

Anyway, I was pretty upset about my car because I really want it to be in good shape and I know my dad worked hard on it and I felt bad for not being careful. But I called him and he said it was okay and that new cars are dent magnets and that's just what happens so that made me feel a lot better. I tried my hand at adding tape to the back side of it and I mostly got the gap in the crack to disappear. I think it will hold up and then maybe we can work on it at some point in the future. Yeah.

We're doing good. We're doing work.

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