Monday, May 2, 2022

one time these people were just smashing a car in the middle of the street

 one time when I was in like 5th grade or something I was playing in the street and these young people about halfway down the street were outside just smashing a car parked on the side of the road. Like they were on top of it and beside it and just wailing on it with like baseball bats and 2x4s and anything they could find. It was really loud and I was standing in the middle of the street just watching them.

And then my mom was like, "I better go say something to them."

And for some reason I was like, "mom! no! that's their business! don't bother them!"

And my mom was like, "no I need to say something."

And then it turned out the people were really nice and the car had broken down and they were just going to take it to the junkyard or something and they thought it would be funny to smash it first.

what a crazy time. why don't I see more people smashing up cars?

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