Tuesday, May 26, 2020

good job andy

you made your hip go from hurting a lot to not hurting at all without running less. You just took one day off and then instead of taking easy days, you went EXTRA hard and the hip is better than ever.

But actually. I've been really pain free and I'm excited about that. And I DID run the 100s in under 14 seconds.

13.9, 13.9, 13.9 and then with a flying start 13.73. 

Then I did a 300 in 46.20. Which I was hoping for something faster. But that's pretty good.

Then 9xhill which was just for effort.

I feel really good. I think stretching, massaging, warming up properly, getting enough sleep, not doing extra work outside of running, and hydrating are really paying off. Who knew?!

I knew. I knew the whole time.

Tomorrow is a moderate 11 miles.

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