Sunday, May 31, 2020

Things I'd Like to Do In June

I'd like to keep up with this blog. I think it's been helpful to write about running and reflect. 

I'd like to run a fast mile. Today I did some 800m repeats and 2:23 pace felt pretty comfortable. Relatively. So, for running on my own that bodes well for a mile. And then after 6 800s I did a 400 in 65 that felt pretty good. 

I ran really hard on Tuesday with all out sprints and then tried to do a pretty challenging 11 mile run because I was feeling good the next day. Then that really jacked up my hip so I had to improvise and run easy on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I don't normally like to go three days without a hard effort but I didn't really pay attention to my body and paid the price for it. But I think everything is fine.

In terms of training for June, I'll need to manage working at camp and that will be an adjustment with a lot more time spent on my feet and outside. I've been so fortunate to stay off my feet and stay inside and not have to move much while home. Transitioning back to living on my own, it's a lot easier for me to not recover as well as I should. Getting dehydrated, doing stupid things at work, over exerting myself. Not sleeping as much. I'll really need to stay on top of those things or I will get hurt and be disappointed with myself.

I've gotten to the point in running where a 64 second 400 feels really good. I know that's an arbitrary measure but it feels like a new plateau of fitness reached. Similar to where I was a year ago. So I think it would be great if I could maintain that fitness throughout the summer. 

The heat makes it tough to do 5k/10k/half marathon training very effectively. If you run during the hot part of the day like I do, mile repeats are difficult even if you're feeling good because the heat will wipe you out. But I enjoy running in the heat. And I think I can get in some really quality long runs with Peyton and continue to do some faster work. 

It would be fun to attempt a sub-60 400, a sub-45 300, a sub-30 200, and a sub-15 100 in one session. With lots of rest. So far for this season my bests for those distances are a 61, 46, 28, and 13.9. I'm fairly sure I can run a 59 second 400 fresh right now. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to. And then it's a question of whether that would totally wipe me out for the 300. I think I can do it. If the 400 doesn't totally kill me then I should be able to do it. Maybe I'll attempt that later this week.

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