Wednesday, May 6, 2020

wanting to learn this....

I can't call something but what it is, Diane.

There are three things that I'm faithful to. God. Truth. and You.

You want me to break that promise? You want me to lie? Could you call our marriage moist?

You could lie to me like you did about joey but we worked through it. I wasn't perfect either. I closed myself off from you. The late nights. The boozin'. The women. And the men too.

Were we always happy, Diane? No. But I have loved you for 34 years. That faithful night. In the Florida Keys. Just me and you.

Do you remember what we said, Diane? Beneath the sheets. the water. the sand.

Do you remember a time of innocence. Just me you and the kids. he was such a beautiful boy, Diane. He could run so fast.


Diyaaaaaan (whispers)

You wrestle inside me.

For eternity. Everything and nothing. Even when you got sick. I was right by your side. I was so scared. Glioma blastoma. Stage 4 brain cancer. They said you'd never make it.

And then, a cure!  A far away human colony. 8 billion light years away from this hellish disease.

So, uh, we had to uh, clone you. Which was really hard for me. well, your cloned body, but not your cloned mind.

As we entered hypersleep, on our return voyage, a black hole consumes earth 7 the vestigial ghost planet we once called home

our life pods swirled around the singularity like fractals into infinity. adrift in space, all we knew was cold and  darkness

but the engineers, our ancestors, they saved us, Diane.

Ah, Diane. Have we always favored the way of grace? Or like, two celestial bodies we warped and shrouded one another. Our dreams intertwined like roots in the ground. We crossed the chasm between our love and the unknown. a dance of space and time.

Take my hand now. Let us go further in time. Ten trillion years into the future we go. After the great nebula conflict. After the last Dyson sphere. nothing left but me, you, and the void. how many hours have we been here, diane, how many days, how many years, an ocean of time passes. the universe dies. yet we remain. I can't take another step without you by my side. remember diane nature is order and nature is chaos. After all these years, all this time, one question remains. Tell me. What is this muffin?

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